Wander the Web!!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Zombiepocalypse Crafts: Romantic Lanterns

Beans in a can.  Somehow I can see that as being a staple when the Zombiepocalypse hits.  Eh, it's sustinance, right?  Well, when the end of the world as we know it comes to an end, we don't want to be wasteful, now do we?  Well, you're in luck.  I have a little something that will pass the time a bit and create some ambiance in your base camp.  This is a perfect project for Valentine's Day since the weather, in what seems to be the entire country nowadays, gets to be pretty chilly.

Ok, on to the how to:
  1. Have a hearty meal consisting of baked beans, canned corn, soup, fruit salad, or anything else that comes in a can that you managed to scrounge up in one of your recon patrols. 
  2. Wash the can thoroughly to remove the label and any food residue. We are going for funky looking, not funky smelling.  And besides, the jury is still out on whether the walking dead are attracted to the smell of cooking and/or rotting food.
  3. Now for the cool part - fill the can with water and put it somewhere super cold until the water is frozen solid.  This isn't totally necessary, but it makes it a ton easier to punch holes in the can and it keeps the can from crushing down.
  4. OK, you’ve waited out the freezing, now it’s time to get to work. And time is of the essence, ‘cause you don’t want to let the ice melt! Take the can out of the freezer and use the crayon or Sharpie or whatever you happen to have, and map out your design using dots. Flower patterns, Hearts, Random Dots or even Pac-Man are good designs to try. Try to center the mid-point of your design between the top and bottom of the can. The dots you draw will become holes where the candlelight will shine through, so try not to plan too few or too many (remember the light attracts zombies).
  5. Position your crossbow bolt over the dot and punch a hole in the can.  Oh, you don't have a crossbow?  Well, if you don't have a crossbow handy, you can use a nail and hammer.  Center the nail on a point in your pattern, grab the hammer, and pound out a hole.
  6. Continue the poking/hammering process until you’ve poked holes in each spot, and then put the can somewhere out of the way, like a sink to thaw. Or bust it out of the can and make a nice margarita on the rocks.
  7. Once the ice is gone and the can is dry, you’re ready to add a candle. Candle choice depends on can size and what you happen to have handy.  Tea Light candles works well in most standard vegetable cans. Experiment a little. If you can't figure out how to make this work, then you have no chance of survival.  If you don't happen to have any candles laying around, use flamable gel.  That my friends will be our next tutorial.  Just know where the closest drug store is to scrounge for materials for that little project. 
  8. Now all that’s left is to strategically place your new lanters in corners and around the room to cast a lovely pattern of lights in your hideout.
Ok friends, until next time, be safe and keep your head down!

1 comment:

  1. I love this one!!! Years ago I made a bunch of constellations for the little girl that lived in the apartment down the way from me. Every night she would come and sit with me and we would talk starts....wonder where she is now. Hmmm, hope she has a good commander at her camp. LOL
